Born in Nicosia, Cyprus, holds degrees in Theatre Studies, Acting and Sociology from the University of Texas at Austin and in Communication and Journalism from the Open University Cyprus. Has worked as an actress, TV host and radio programme host/producer for several years. As an actress she performed roles for THOC such as Masha in Chekhov’s Three Sisters, Olivia in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night by Shakespeare, Shelby in Harling’s Steel Magnolias. Working since 2001 as Theatre Development Officer for Cyprus Theatre Organisation, in charge of State theatre subsidies and policy forming, European collaborations, playwriting development, non-professional theatre, theatre education programs, Festivals, PQ National Participation (Curator since 2007), etc. Has worked extensively in the Committee for Theatre in Schools (THOC - Ministry of Education and Culture), the Study Committee for the creation of A Cultural Authority in Cyprus, the National Committee for Delphic Games etc. She is a member of the Board for the Cyprus Theatre Museum, Honorary member and Secretary of the Board of the Cyprus Centre of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians, Member of the interdepartmental Advisory Body to the National Youth Board. Author and coordinator of several participations in the EU Culture and Creative Europe Program. She is the author and host of Culture talk show Art Café on State TV channel RIK1.